It Takes More than Carrots to Improve Your Eyes’ Health
Improving your won’t just help you lower your cholesterol, blood pressure or risk for heart disease. It can also be an important tool to improve the overall health of your eyes.
We’ve all heard it a million times: “Just eat your carrots, so-and-so, they’re good for your eyes.” While eating carrots is definitely good for your eyes and your vision, it’s going to take more than just carrots to not only help make your eyes healthier, but the rest of your body, too.
By eating food high in omega-3 fatty acids, you’re giving your eyes an added advantage when it comes to repelling the sun’s potentially harmful ultraviolet rays. These fatty acids are especially beneficial to your eye’s macula, which acts as the eyes’ natural sunscreen. Omega-3s cannot be synthesized by the human body, which is why they should be an essential part of your everyday diet. Foods like fish and eggs have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and though it’s not crucial that you eat them every day, you should make sure they are a part of your regular meal plan.
It would also behoove you to include lots of leafy greens in your diet. These often contain a pigment found in zeazanthin and lutein that has shown to improve the overall health of your eyes. Including antioxidant-rich foods like peppers, tomatoes, other fruits, and even carrots in your diet is another great way to keep your eyes in tip-top shape.
Taking extra vitamins and minerals is a great way to supplement your (hopefully) already healthy diet. While the human body can produce a lot of vitamins or minerals itself, it can’t do all the work, which is why vitamin supplements are a good, easy way to keep tabs on your health. Adding these to your diet will work wonders for not only your vision, but the rest of your body as well.
Also, don’t forget to wear your sunglasses and exercise regularly. The eyes are very similar to the skin, if they aren’t protected from UV rays, they can get damaged. Remember to be smart out there, everyone. If you have questions about how to protect your eyes, don’t hesitate to contact me online or at my office by calling (313) 278-SEEN.